31 66 33 34 兵庫県立大学 西はりま天文台 : 研究者向け


散開星団NGC 7790のBVR測光観測及び解析、 pp1-11
 著者:田邉和孝1、眞銅雅子1、小野智子2、鳴沢真也2、山岡 均1
 所属:1) 九州大学理学部、2) 兵庫県立西はりま天文台公園
 著者の電子メイルアドレス: shindo@gemini.rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
 Received: 1996, July 7

概要: We performed the photometric observation of the open cluster NGC 7790 with a CCD camera at Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory. The Color equations with convert the instrumentalmagnitudes using Nishi-Harima system to the standard magnitudes by Johnson-Cousin system are presented. The color-magnitude diagrams are shown and the distance and the age of the cluster are derived from it.

 キーワード:CCD Photometry -- Open Cluster: individual (NGC 7790)
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活動的アルゴル系RZ Cas測光キャンペーン報告、 pp12-14
 著者の電子メイルアドレス: narusawa@nhao.jp
 Received: 1996, November 25

概要: Cooperative monitoring photometry for the primary minimum of the active Algol-type binary RZ Cas has been carried out in order to clarify an unusual feature of the light variation. Observations with the ordinary photoelectric equipment and CCD camera are used to clarify whether the primary minimum is 'pseudo-partial eclipse' or not. We detected no clear flat bottom during the period from September to December 1995.

 キーワード:Photometry -- Stars: individual (RZ Cas) -- Stars: eclipsing binaries
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