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Stefan Baar - sbaar@nhao.jp


The NHAO hosts a skymonitoring system to support the observation process with up-to-date weather information such as cloud coverage, humidity, temperature, etc. The system takes an integrated picture of the sky, about every minute (every ten minutes during day time) and uploads it to a public web-page.

  • NHAO Skymonitor Site

    The data obtained by the skymonitor camera is archived as a compressed .mp4 stream and can be accesed through youtube for each night

  • NHAO Skymonitor Archive

  • Cloud Detection

    We are currently working on a light weight cloud coverage and seeing detection routine, which is based on the data taken with the skymonitor camera. We want to be able to better plan observations, flag unusable data and create a visibility record for each observation.

    Lightning Detection

    Due to a ligning strike ini early June of 2017, where both the azimuth and elevation motor as well as the focus motor were severely damaged, we have established a light weight lightning warning system. The routine is software based and uses publicaly available weather and lightning maps to warn the staff of the NHOA when thunderstorms are approaching or the probability of lightning is increased. Information concerning the lightning activity around the observatory is presented on the skymonitor web page.

  • NHAO Skymonitor Site
  • Lightning Map

  • updated: 2018年01月12日