Current Sky (North:top, East;left)

Diff. Image (current - previous)

Weather Report: 2024/04/25 03:53 (JST)


Temp 10.4 oC
Hum 99.0 %
Pressure 956.7 hPa
Wind 1.8 m/s
Wind Max 2.2 m/s
Wind Dir 292.5
(N=0, E=90)
Water Vapor 9.56 g/m3


Temp 21.2 oC
Hum 43 %
Temp Mirror 21.2 oC
Sat. Vapor (Mir.-3oC) 15.57 g/m3
Dew Alert
Temp 60cm 15.2 oC
Hum 60cm 67.1 %
60cm slit

Rain Sensors

Rain(10min) 0.0 mm
Rain/Snow124/04/25 3:54:09
Rain/Snow224/04/25 3:56:47
Trouble shoot for rain/snow sensor

JMA Rain Rader (test)

Obs time 24/04/25 03:45
Rain area 0 % (in 4x4 km2)
Max rainfall 0.00 mm/h (in 4x4 km2)
+10 min forecast 0.0 mm/h (at NHAO)
JMA Rader Nowcasts

Cloud Sensor

Cloud16/01/31 17:56:44

Air Conditioner

from 04/23 03:00
Automatic control ( is running
As of 04/25 03:50
The usage of commands for the air conditioner is here.

NTP Server


Weather Condition Graph

Archive movie of last night

(new upload every day at 12:00)


OISTER hours