Weather Report: 2025/01/17 21:43 (JST)
Temp | 0.5 | oC |
Hum | 89.0 | % |
Pressure |
970.5 | hPa |
Wind | 1.3 | m/s |
Wind Max | 1.8 | m/s |
Wind Dir | 22.5 |
(N=0, E=90) |
Water Vapor | 4.47 | g/m3 |
Temp | 6.5 | oC |
Hum | 52 | % |
Temp Mirror | 4.8 | oC |
Sat. Vapor (Mir.-3oC) | 5.49 | g/m3 |
Dew Alert | |
Temp 60cm | 8.0 | oC |
Hum 60cm | 63.3 | % |
60cm slit | | |
Rain Sensors
Rain rate | 0.0 | | mm/h |
Loc | Elec | Opt | Time |
Top W | |
Top E |
25/01/17 21:44 |
W terrace |
25/01/17 21:44 |
60cm |
25/01/17 21:44 |
JMA Rain Radar
Obs time | | 25/01/17 21:35 |
Rain area | 0 | % (in 4x4 km2) |
Max rainfall | 0.00 | mm/h (in 4x4 km2) |
+10min forecast | 0.0 | mm/h (at NHAO) |
Air Conditioner
OFF | from 01/17 17:21 Automatic control has been stopped As of 01/17 21:40
NTP Server
WBGT (Test Mode)
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