Stars and Galaxies, Vol.02 (2019年)


Determination of Potassium Abundances for Giant and Dwarf Stars in the Galactic Disk
 Authors:Yoichi TAKEDA1,2
  1) National Astronomical Observatory, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
  2) SOKENDAI, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
 Received 2019 October 16; Accepted 2019 December 4

An extensive study on the potassium abundances of late-type stars was carried out by applying the non-LTE spectrum-fitting analysis to the K I resonance line at 7698.96 Å to a large sample of 160 FGK dwarfs and 328 late-G /early-K giants (including 89 giants in the Kepler field with seismologically known ages) belonging to the disk population (−1 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.5), which may provide important observational constraint on the nucleosynthesis history of K in the galactic disk. Special attention was paid to clarifying the observed behaviors of [K/Fe] in terms of [Fe/H] along with stellar age, and to checking whether giants and dwarfs yield consistent results with each other. The following results were obtained. (1) A slightly increasing tendency of [K/Fe] with a decrease in [Fe/H] (d[K/Fe]/d[Fe/H] 〜 −0.1 to −0.15; a shallower slope than reported by previous studies) was confirmed for FGK dwarfs, though thick-disk stars tend to show larger [K/Fe] deviating from this gradient. (2) Almost similar characteristics were observed also for apparently bright field giants locating in the solar neighborhood (such as dwarfs). (3) However, the [K/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] relation for more distant Kepler giants shows larger scatter and is systematically higher (by ≤ 0.1 dex) than that of dwarfs, implying that chemical evolution of K is rather diversified depending on the position in the Galaxy. (4) Regarding the age-dependence, a marginal trend of increasing [K/Fe] with age is recognized for dwarfs, while any systematic tendency is not observed for Kepler giants. These consequences may suggest that evolution of [K/Fe] with time in the galactic disk does exist but proceeded more gradually than previously thought, and its condition is appreciably location-dependent.

 Key words:Galaxy: disk — Galaxy: evolution — stars: abundances — stars: atmospheres — stars: late-type
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 Determination of Abundance Difference with Differential Equivalent Width Method in Equal Mass Binaries
 著者:加藤 則行1
 所属:1) 兵庫県立大学 自然・環境科学研究所 天文科学センター  
 Authors:Noriyuki KATOH1
 Affiliation:1) Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, Center for Astronomy, University of Hyogo, Sayo-cho, Hyogo 679-5313, Japan  
 Received 2019 October 31; Accepted 2019 December 10

主星と伴星の大気組成の違いが分子雲内の化学組成分布を反映しているならば、実視連星では主星と伴星に組成差があるものも存在して良い。先行する観測は、組成差と連星間距離に弱い相関があると示唆した。等質量の連星であれば主星と伴星の大気パラメータはほぼ同じと見なせるので、組成差は主星と伴星の等価幅の差分として導出できる。そこで本研究は、恒星スペクトルに多数現れるFe I の吸収線の等価幅を測定し、代表的な難揮発性元素である鉄について主星と伴星の組成差を求めることができるか調査した。惑星を保持する実視連星4天体を兵庫県立大学西はりま天文台の「なゆた望遠鏡」とMALLSで分光観測した。16 Cyg AB、83 Leo AB、HD 80606/80607 と XO-2 NS の鉄の等価幅差A-Bについて、それぞれ -0.0042±0.0040 Å、-0.0040±0.0099 Å、0.0001±0.0031 Å と 0.0156±0.0067 Å と導出した。これらの結果はどれも、先行研究が求めた組成差の結果と調和する。

If abundance difference between the primary and secondary star indicates the chemical distribution in the molecular cloud, some visual binaries have abundance differences between the stellar components. The previous work showed the weak correlation between the abundance difference and the binary separation. This work regards the difference between the equivalent widths of the primary star and secondary star as the abundance difference because the atmospheric parameters of the stellar components are almost the same in the equal mass binaries. Therefore, we measured the equivalent widths of the Fe I absorption lines of the stellar components in the visual binaries, and investigated whether the difference of both equivalent widths determines the abundance difference between the primary and secondary stars. For 16 Cyg AB, 83 Leo AB, HD 80606/80607 and XO-2 NS, the difference of both equivalent width (A-B) is -0.0042±0.0040 Å, -0.0040±0.0099 Å, 0.0001±0.0031 Å, and 0.0156±0.0067 Å, respectively. These results are consistent with ones in the previous works.

 Key words:stars: abundances — binaries: visual — techniques: spectroscopic
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 Performance Evaluation of the NIC Polarimetry Mode
 著者:高橋 隼1
 所属:1) 兵庫県立大学 天文科学センター 西はりま天文台
Authors:Jun TAKAHASHI1
Affiliation:1) Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, Center for Astronomy, University of Hyogo, Sayo-cho, Hyogo 679-5313, Japan
 Received 2019 November 8; Accepted 2019 December 10

2018年に再開発されたNIC偏光観測モードの性能評価を行った。Jバンドで〜0.4%—6% までの偏光度を持つ強偏光標準星を観測し、偏光度および偏光方位角について測定値と文献値を比較することで、測定の正確さを評価した。偏光度については、装置内での消偏光に起因する若干の系統誤差が疑われるものの、系統誤差は0.3%以内であると評価された。偏光方位角については、数度の精度の範囲で有意な系統誤差は見られなかった。さらに、観測計画の立案に役立つように、偏光度のランダム誤差と総積分時間の関係式を求めた。

The author hereby presents the evaluated performance of the NIC polarimetry mode, which was re-developed in 2018. Imaging polarimetric observations were conducted for strongly polarized standard stars with their polarization degrees of 〜0.4%—6 % in the J band. The accuracy of the polarimetry in terms of the polarization degrees and position angles was evaluated based on a comparison between measured values and those found in the literature. The systematic bias in polarization degrees was found to be within 0.3%, though some depolarization in the instrument was suspected. No significant systematic bias in polarization position angles was detected for the precision of a few degrees. In addition, for use in planning observations, a relationship was established between the random error in the polarization degrees and the total integration time.

 Key words:science instrument — near-infrared — polarimetry
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 Estimating Physical Quantities of Spicules over Active Region
 著者:吉塚 弘康1、野澤 恵1、北井 礼三郎2、上野 悟3、大辻 賢一3
 所属:1) 茨城大学 理学部   2)立命館大学   3)京都大学 飛騨天文台
 Authors:Hiromichi YOSHIZUKA1, Satoshi NOZAWA1, Reizaburo KITAI2, Satoru UENO3, Kenichi OTSUJI3
  1) Ibaraki University College of Science, 2-1-1, Bunkyo, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan, 310-8512  
  2) Ritsumeikan University, 56-1, Toji-in Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan, 603-8577  
  3) Hida Observatory, Kyoto University, Kurabashira, Kamitakara, Takayama, Gifu, Japan, 506-1314  
 Received 2019 October 11; Accepted 2019 December 11

2018年5月10日に太陽表面上の活動領域 NOAA12709 付近に対し,京都大学飛騨天文台の水平分光器を用いて分光観測を行った.取得した分光データを用いて,クラウドモデルから微細な噴出現象であるスピキュールの先端のドップラー速度および光学的厚さの時間変化などの物理量を導出した.その結果,最大の長さと高度には,最大速度との間に正の相関がみられ,これは低高度での急激な圧力の上昇によりスピキュールが発生するという衝撃駆動モデルで説明可能である.加えて,活動領域付近のスピキュールの寿命は静穏領域のそれより短く,傾斜角を変えながら発達または衰退した.また,スピキュールが曲った道筋となることを示し,光学的厚さが時間とともに増加するという結果も得た.この光学的厚さの時間変化を理解するためには,スピキュール内でのガスの流れの構造を捉える解析が,今後必要である.

We spectroscopically observed a solar active region NOAA12709 on the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory of Kyoto University. We could detect several spicules in our data which show jet-like dynamic features. Using the acquired spectral data, physical quantities such as the time change of Doppler velocities and optical thicknesses at the tips of the spicules were derived from the cloud model. As a result, a positive correlation was found among the maximum length, height and the maximum speed. This could be obtained by a jet-like model that the spicules were generated by a rapid increase in pressure at low altitude. The lifetime of the spicules near the active region was shorter than that of the quiet region, and the spiclues developed or declined while changing the inclination angle. Clear interpretation of the optical thickness increase will require further analysis to detect internal structure of flow field of spicules which are grown along the curve.

 Key words:Sun: Chromosphere — Sun: jet — Sun: plages
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SX Phe型変光星BL Camの多色測光観測
 Multi-color phoitometric observation of SX Phe-type variable BL Cam
 著者:大島 誠人1、 穂積 正人2
 所属:1) 兵庫県立大学 西はりま天文台   2) 兵庫県立舞子高等学校
 Authors:Tomohito OHSHIMA1, Masato HOZUMI2
  1) Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, Center for Astronomy, University of Hyogo, 407-2, Nishigaichi, Sayo-cho, Hyogo 679-5313, Japan  
  2) Hyogo Prefectual Maiko High School, 3-2 Manabigaoka, Tarumi-ku, Kobe-city, Hyogo 655-0004, Japan
 Received 2019 November 6; Accepted 2019 December 16

口径60cm反射望遠鏡と冷却CCDカメラを用いて、SX Phe型変光星BL Camの多色測光観測を行った。2016年11月と2018年1月に行われた観測で得たデータから作成した光度曲線を用いて、色指数B-V〜0.35を得た。この値から、天体の表面温度を6680Kと見積もった。また、脈動に応じて半径の変化が見られたが、一般的に脈動変光星で多く報告されているような極大付近で最小となり極大付近で最大となる半径の変化とはやや位相のずれがあり、極小・極大に対して0.3~0.4位相先行して半径の最大・最小を迎えるという結果となった。

Optical multi-band photometric observations of SX Phe-type object BL Cam were carried out with 60-cm reflect-ing telescope equipped with CCD camera in 2016 November and 2018 January. The color index B-V is estimated as 0.35 from the obtained B- and V-band data. The surface temperature is estimated 6680 K based on this color index. The variations of radius accompanying the variations of luminosity were detected, however, the variations do not correspond to that ever observed in similar objects. The maximum of stellar radius variation is delayed by 0.3〜0.4 of phase to the maximum of light curve variation.

 Key words: indivisual object: BL Cam — variable star
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 Stellar age profiles of local barred and unbarred galaxies as revealed with MaNGA
 著者:村田 一心1
 所属:1) 法政大学 理工学部 応用情報工学科
 Authors:Kazumi MURATA1
 Affiliation:1) Department of applied informatics, faculty of Science and Engineering, Hosei University, 3–7–2, Kajino-cho, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan
 Received 2019 October 28; Accepted 2019 December 21

本研究では可視面分光サーベイMaNGAデータを用いて、近傍棒渦巻銀河の星種族年齢分布を調査した。サンプルセレクションにはGalaxy Zooカタログを利用し、顕著な棒構造を持つ棒銀河サンプルと、棒構造を持たないコントロールサンプルを作成した。星質量ごとの傾向を調べるため、これらのサンプルをlogM/Msun = 10.0-10.5, 10.5-11.0, 11.0-11.5の3グループに分類した。各グループにおける天体数は、棒銀河サンプルが5, 24, 19天体、コントロールサンプルが25, 48, 38天体となった。棒銀河サンプルの光度加重平均年齢分布は、中心の3 kpcで平坦となり、外側の領域ではコントロールサンプルより0.2-0.4桁高かった。これは、棒状構造によって中心では星形成活動が誘発され、外側では低下したことを示す。一方、質量加重平均年齢の分布は両サンプルとも全グループにおいて中心ほど増加した。この傾向は、棒状構造を持っていても、他の銀河と同様にインサイド-アウトの進化をすることを示す。

This study investigates radial age profiles of local barred and unbarred galaxies using Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey data. Galaxies with prominent bars were selected from the Galaxy Zoo catalogue as a barred sample, and those without bars as a control sample. These samples were divided into three stellar-mass bins, log M/Msun = 10.0-10.5, 10.5-11.0, and 11.0-11.5, respectively. The numbers of galaxies in each bin were 5, 24, and 19 for the barred sample, and 25, 48, and 38 for the mass-matched control sample, respectively. The luminosity-weighted age profiles of barred galaxies were flat at central 3 kpc regions and were 0.2-0.4 dex higher than the control sample at outer regions. This indicates bar-induced star-formation in the central regions and bar-quenching in the outer regions. On the other hand, the mass-weighted age profiles of both samples monotonically increased towards the central regions. This suggests that barred galaxies also follow inside-out quenching, regardless of bar-induced central star-formation and/or bar-quenching of disk regions.

 Key words:galaxies:evolution — barred galaxies — age-gradient
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 The environmental effects and time evolution of nearby galaxies in the SDSS data
 著者:原田 直樹1、谷口 義明2
 所属:1) 放送大学大学院文化科学研究科   2)放送大学
 Authors:Naoki HARADA1, Yoshiaki TANIGUCHI2
1) Graduate school of the Open University of Japan, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8586, Japan
2) The Open University of Japan, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8586, Japan
 Received 2019 October 31; Accepted 2019 December 23

SDSSデータリリース14の公開データから近傍銀河(0.025≦z≦0.1)32,200個を抽出し、銀河特性に関する時間発展と環境効果を調べた。最近接銀河間距離と周囲銀河数密度に基づいて孤立銀河、高密度銀河、低密度銀河およびその他に分類し、カタログ化した。銀河の色と形態の赤方偏移依存性を調べたところ、Butcher-Oemler効果およびmorphological Butcher-Oemler効果に類似した現象が高密度領域のみならず低密度領域においても見られたが、後者では相関が弱かった。同じく色と形態の周囲銀河数密度依存性を調べた結果、3桁にわたる密度範囲で対数密度に関し直線的な相関が得られた。一方で第5近接銀河間距離r5を変数にとったプロットからは、環境が3つの領域、すなわちr5≦7Mpcの色と形態の変化が顕著な領域、r5>12Mpcの変化が少ない領域、および両者の間にある過渡的な領域に分類できることがわかった。時間(赤方偏移)-環境(密度)の2次元空間における解析から、銀河の色と形態は時間、密度の組み合わせによって変化していると見なすことができる。1桁の密度差は6-8億年の進化の時間遅れに相当する。

We examined the time evolution and the environmental effects on properties of 32,200 nearby galaxies in the redshift range 0.025≦z≦0.1 extracted from the public SDSS data release 14 database. The galaxies are categorized into four groups, isolated galaxy, high-density galaxy, low-density galaxy, and others in the viewpoints of distance from the neighboring galaxy and local galaxy number density. We also found analogous effects to the Butcher-Oemler effect and the morphological Butcher-Oemler effect also in the low galaxy density region not only in the high density region. However, the correlation is weak in the low density region. Dependences of color and morphology on the logarithmic galaxy number density showed almost linear decrease over 3-orders of density change. On the other hand, color- and morphology-r5, distance to the fifth nearest neighbor, plots suggested three characteristic density regions. At r5≦7 Mpc, the environmental effect is evident, whereas it is not so effective at r5>12 Mpc. There is an intermediate region between these two regions. We also analyzed color and morphology of the galaxies in the two-dimensional time (redshift)-environment (density) space. Both properties are governed by the combination of the two variables, redshift and density. We may say one order density difference is equivalent to 0.6-0.8 Gyr-delay in time evolution.

 Key words: galaxy evolution — SDSS — environmental effect
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